6 pm

Tendal da Lapa
Rua Guaicurus, 1100 – Água Branca, São Paulo

Free entry on a first-come, first-served basis.
Location subject to maximum capacity.

Fotografia colorida. Afrodida está de perfil com uma luz em tom laranja iluminando o rosto dele. Afrodida está com a mão repousada em cima de um tambor. Ele é um homem negro, tem o cabelo escuro Black Power, barba grisalha, usa um colar com miçangas grades feitas em madeira e está com uma camiseta branca. O fundo está desfocado.


Percussionist in Afro-Religious, Afro-Indigenous, Afro-Cuban Rhythms, and Brazilian Popular Music.

Mariá Portugal

Active in both Germany and Brazil, the multifaceted musician Mariá Portugal works on the boundaries between improvisation, electronica and songwriting. She was the 13th Improviser in Residence at Moers Festival in 2020. She released the album EROSÃO in 2021. She’s a member of the band Quartabê.

Diane Labrosse (CA)

Working mainly with electronic samplers, Diane Labrosse has a very personal approach to sounds, exploring textures and timbres and creating an abstract evocative music. She is a regular on several music scenes and has performed in many festivals of electronic and improvised music around the world.

Estela Lapponi

Brazilian Performer, Video artist and poetic terrorist based in São Paulo. The main areas of her artistic research as an independent artist covers, The scenic discourse of the disabled body Performance and Relational Practices The transit between visual and scenic arts.