6 pm to
8 pm

Rua Lisboa, 974 – São Paulo/SP

Registrations closed.

Sound-body propagations: teta-theremin

Here we will experiment with sound as an approach to the erotic for the liberation of the body. Audre Lorde’s eroticism, as deep inner energy, a source of power and information, of the ability to create and feel. Using the musical instrument theremin, which produces a sonic field in the air around an antenna, movement is felt as sound and sound as movement, simultaneously. In friction with this sonic field, breasts propagate sound. Moving in this field, where frequencies oscillate between high and low tones of the emitted sound, the body seeks to reorient itself in space to produce sound or silence. This reorganization also occurs within the body through the sensitization of the breasts, through the perception and listening of movement. Interweaving theremin, voice, and distortion devices, the body transcends categorizations and relates from other senses. In this space, musical creation and movement research are remixed as a method for a pleasurable and liberating encounter between diverse body-breasts. If possible, bring T-shirts or stockings that can be cut.

Pre requisites: No previous experience with dance, performance, or music is required, only a willingness to experiment in a group. Bodies of all ages and gender identifications are welcome, except cis men. No racist or LGBTQIA+phobic behavior will be tolerated.

Fotografia colorida. Tetta é viste dos joelhos para cima com o corpo levemente projetado para a direita. O braço direito está esticado para baixo e o braço esquerdo dobrado para cima. As mãos delu estão semi-fechadas. Tetta olha para frente. Tem cabelos encaracolados escuros e cheios, na altura do pescoço, com a franja cobrindo parte de seus olhos. Usa um macacão preto transparente com dois buracos na altura dos seios. Seus seios estão nus. Na altura da cintura vê-se um cinto com uma pequena caixa preta retangular na parte da frente. Da caixa preta sai uma antena que se estende até o rosto de Tetta. O fundo é claro e tem uma luz que ilumina elu do lado esquerdo.

Teta Lírica (DE/BR)

Tetta (neutral pronoun tit) (Recife, 1989, based in Berlin, Germany) is a transdisciplinary artist working through performance, installation, video, music, and choreography. Tetta addresses frictions in the dynamic interactions between cultural, individual, and relational factors, using a “tit sense” as a mode of body reconfiguration, creating intersections between experimental music and micropolitical practices as a research method. In the performance Teta Lírica (2016-present), Tetta has been using the theremin, an electronic musical instrument, as an activator of agencies between bodies, spaces, and forces.